Welcome to Liaocheng Second People's Hospital
Mi Hui
Emergency Department
  • Title: deputy chief physician
  • Times:
  • Great: 擅长各种内科常见病、多发病的诊治,尤其是急危重症、中毒性疾病、职业病、老年病学的诊治,对冠心病、高血压急症、心律失常、休克、呼吸衰竭、多器官功能衰竭等有丰富的临床经验。
  • Academic Activities :
    Specialized in emergency medicine, deputy director of medical department, deputy chief physician, bachelor's degree, graduated from Shandong University. He is a member of the Poisoning Treatment Committee of the Provincial Society of Toxicology, a member of the Health Care and Rehabilitation Branch of the Provincial Gerontological Society, and a member of the Poisoning and Clinical Emergency Disease Control Branch of the Provincial Society of Preventive Medicine.

Specialized in emergency medicine, deputy director of medical department, deputy chief physician, bachelor's degree, graduated from Shandong University. He is a member of the Poisoning Treatment Committee of the Provincial Society of Toxicology, a member of the Health Care and Rehabilitation Branch of the Provincial Gerontological Society, and a member of the Poisoning and Clinical Emergency Disease Control Branch of the Provincial Society of Preventive Medicine.