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Add another gospel for chemotherapy patients - Liaocheng Second People's Hospital successfully carried out the lower limb infusion port
  • Date:2020-10-10
  • Click:10301Times

On 2 October 2020, Wang Ke, attending physician of comprehensive surgery in Huamei Hospital of Liaocheng City Second People's Hospital, and Liu Lijuan, head nurse of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, operated together to complete the first case of ultrasound-guided localisation of lower limb transfemoral venous infusion port placement in Liaocheng City Second Hospital.

    The patient was a young breast cancer patient who developed mediastinal metastases that compressed the superior vena cava and prevented routine upper extremity infusion port placement. The patient underwent femoral vein puncture, which was unsuccessful. It was decided to perform lower limb infusion port placement, and the patient and her family agreed and signed an informed consent form. During the intraoperative ultrasound examination, it was found that the patient's saphenous vein had a diameter of 0.13 cm, and the lumen of the vein was too thin to be suitable for infusion port placement, so the decision was made to perform femoral vein infusion port placement. At the same time, it was found that the patient's femoral artery was above the femoral vein, which was not easy to puncture, and the catheter was successfully inserted by ultrasound-guided needle insertion into the lateral femoral vein under the cooperation of Nurse Manager Liu Lijuan and Attending Physician Wang Ke. Routine nursing care was given after catheter placement, and the infusion port was smooth, and the patient did not complain of discomfort.

     ICU of Huamei Hospital District of Liaocheng Second People's Hospital carried out PICC in 2016, and further carried out arm infusion port in 2020, on the basis of which it successfully implanted lower limb infusion port for patients. The development of lower limb infusion port marks that the intravenous treatment technology of Liaocheng No.2 Hospital is more abundant and comprehensive, and patients have more choices in treatment, and the intravenous treatment technology of Liaocheng No.2 Hospital has stepped into the forefront in the province.

 Picture:Liu Lijuan Zhao Yurong